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News Item Text

Praise to Allah SWT, for his mercy so writers can complete the reparation of a paper titled "Review Text".
This paper was submitted as a condition of attending in reading 3, English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Metro.
In writing of this paper, the authors would like to thank those who have helped resolve this paper that finished just in time, in particular to:
1.      Drs. Bambang Eko Siagianto., M.Pd and Refai, S.Pd, M.Pdi  as course lecture reading 3 who have taken the time, effort and thought in the implementation of the guidance, direction, encouragement in the preparation of this paper the settlement.
2.      Peers in class English Education Period 2012/2013
3.      The authors would like to thank to beloved family who have provided encouragement and assistance as well as a great understanding to the authors.
4.      All those who have helped in the writing of this paper.
The authors realized in writing of this paper are still many deficiencies in both technical writing and material, given the limitations of the writers. To that criticism and suggestions from all parties is expected to improve the manufacture of the authors of this paper.
Metro, March 21st 2014

Chapter I
A.      Introducing of Text
Reading is one of the skill of English where reading is the process of constructing meaning through dynamic interaction among the reader’s existing knowledge, the information suggested by the written language and the context of the reading situation (from : Anthony, Pearson & Raphael, 1993 : 284).
Reading identifically with the text which the Text has many thing include such as: Main Idea, Topic, The Goal Etc. The goal of reading is how to understand well of the text. So, the reader will know what the text tell about and understand its meaning to give information for reader and others. Reading has a lot of text's type. One of them is News Item Text which will be troughed this article. This text tells about the something happen of the day which the newsworthy or important.

B.       Written Purpose
This article through about:
1.      How to analyze the text
2.      How to understand Functional and the meaning of text.
3.      When we used this text.

A.      Definition
New item is text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or important. News item always uses the formal language and has scientific/ source to support the news.

B.       Generic Structure
Generic structure of news item text:
1.         Main event (Lead in)
2.         Elaboration (Background, participant, time, place)
3.         Resource of information

C.       Language forms of news item
Language forms of news item text:
1.      Focusing on circumstances
2.      Using material process

D.    Characteristics of news item
In news item so many characteristics. But the familiar characteristics of news item are:
1.         Using action verb
2.         Using dominant saying verb
3.         Using adverb of time, adverb of place, adverb of manner.

E.       Example Of News Item Text
1.         Town ‘Contaminated
Town ‘Contaminated
Events Moscow – A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.
Background Events
Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotovo – 22 near Vladivostock. The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit SMA Students’ Modul of English 24 had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tones of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.
A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.

2.         Malaysian Women Suggested to Carry Condoms

Malaysian Women Suggested to Carry Condoms

Malaysian Deputy Health Ministry urged every woman to carry a condom to protect against HIV, a news report said. “This is not to debate them but to protect them. Women are the first ones to get exploited by their partners (whom are infected by HIV-positive)” Abdul Latiff Ahmad was quoted as saying by Sunday Star Newspaper. “But this just a suggestion, it’s up to them”. Abdul latiff made remark to coincide with the International Aids Memorial day, which was celebrated openly for the first time in Malaysia, in id to reduce stigma for HIV-victim. In the past the event was held behind closed door
Last year, 745 Malaysian women were identified as HIV-positive and 193 were diagnosed with AIDS, he said in the report. Officials have said nearly 81000 Malaysian have been infected with HIV, less then 10 percent are woman, but the number is steadily rising.
Malaysian Aids Council president, Adeebah Kamarulzaman, was quoted as saying besides sex workers, many women who contract HIV are housewives, were infected unknowingly by their husbands. “It’s not that people don’t know that condoms can protect them. But there are some men who don’t care to take precaution, even though they know they have HIV” she said.

3.         Indonesian Maid beheaded
Indonesian Maid beheaded
An Indonesia housemaid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being convicted of killing her employer, the Saudi Interior Minister said. The woman was beheaded in the southern Asir province in what was the second execution in the country. The maid was earlier found of suffocating her female boss and stealing her jewelry. Rape, murder and other serious crimes can carry the death penalty in the conservative desert kingdom. Last year, Saudi Arabia, which followed a strict interpretation of syariah, Islamic law executed more than 130 people.
(Taken from: BBC News)

4.         An underage young boy had sex with a maid
An underage young boy had sex with a maid
A 45-year old Indonesian maid admitted having sex with her hongkong employer’s 14-year old son after watching internet porn together. The maid is divorce and mother of two children. The maid, named Suwartin, had worked with the boy family for 11 years. A court heard how the maid had sex with the boy in relationship that lasted five months. The boy tried to end the affair but she refused. The teenager eventually confessed to the relationship to the leader of Christian group he belonged to. Then the maid was arrested. She pleaded guilty to five charges of committing an indecent act with underage partner. She will be sentenced two week’s time. She later apologized and said that she would live with the shame of what she had done for the rest of life. “She had acted out of loneliness” the maid’s lawyer said.

(Adapted from Reuters: Hongkong, may 6, 2008 )

5.         The History of Pen
The History of Pen

Ancient Indians were the first to use the pen. According to ancient text the earliest of pens made in India used bird feathers, bamboo sticks, etc. The old literature of puranas, Ramayana and Mahabharta used this kind of pen roughly 500 BC. Ancient Egyptians had developed writing on papyrus scrolls when scribes used thin reed brushes or reed pens from the Juncus maritimus or sea rush. In his book A History of Writing, Steven Roger Fischer suggests that in the basis of finds at Saqqara, the reed pen might well have been used for writing on parchment as long ago as the first Dynasty or about 3000 BC. Pens continued to be used until the middle Ages although they were slowly replaced by quills from about 7th century. The reed pen, generally made from bamboo, is still used in some parts of Pakistan by young students and is used to write on small boards made of timber.

www. (accessed on 11th December at 10.00 am)
www.englishindo/2012/03/short-functional-text.html. (accessed on 11th December at 12.00 am)

News Item Text News Item Text Reviewed by bigbungs on 08.37 Rating: 5

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